can dream it
you can
do it.
Vivamus pellentesque finibus venenatis.
Mauris ac posuere purus.
Vivamus pellentesque finibus venenatis. Mauris
ac posuere purus.
Vivamus pellentesque finibus venenatis. Mauris
ac posuere purus.
AsALA Company
Apply Loan Applicationtoo early
to quit
Vivamus pellentesque finibus venenatis.
Mauris ac posuere purus.
Vivamus pellentesque finibus venenatis. Mauris
ac posuere purus.
Vivamus pellentesque finibus venenatis. Mauris
ac posuere purus.
Vivamus pellentesque finibus venenatis.
Mauris ac posuere purus.
Vivamus pellentesque finibus venenatis. Mauris
ac posuere purus.
Vivamus pellentesque finibus venenatis. Mauris
ac posuere purus.
Our hands are yours .. and your hands make the difference
of empowering women and youth through active participation in economic activity and achieving economic development by supporting enterprises
During its 24+ years, the company has granted more than 38,034 funding amounting to more than 83 million dollars. Along with ASALAS’s keeping up with informational and technological developments in the field of funding, it also seeks to digitize all of its services and offer its products for all beneficiaries in a creative way that is characterized by transparency and relies on global standards through facilitative and easy procedures.
Professional Accountability
Professionalism and Transparency
Innovation and Empowerment
Participation and Solidarity
Start-up Loan
Target group: women and youth
Amount: $1,000-6,000
Education Loan
Target group: women and youth
Amount: $1,000-3,000
Development Loan
Target group: women and youth
Amount: $3,000-40,000
Online Loan
Target group: women and youth
Amount: $1,000-2,000
Housing Improvement Loan
Target group: women and youth
Amount: $1,000-15,000
Environmental Loan
Target group: women and youth
Amount: $5,000-40,000
What We Offer
Business Financing
Suspendisse potenti Phasellus euismod libero in neque molestie et mentum libero maximus. Etiam in enim vestibulum suscipit sem quis molestie nibh.
Business Consulting
Vivamus aliquam tincidunt mauris ultricies pulvinar. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sem velit sagittis nec viver.
Business Idea
Pellentesque blandit nibh eget egestas molestie justo diam hendrerit tortor et sollicitudin dolor diam vitae orci seieed et ultrices elit. Aliquam arcu purus.
Financial Research
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud.
Quality Resourcing
Exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip exea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Brand Promotion
Nam non lectus orci in nibh elit blandit et velit vel sodales vulputate tellus. Koes mattis neque ante vel suscipit odio tristique vel. Donec imperdiet laoreet pharetra.
Why Choose Us
Aliquam arcu purus lacinia sed diam quis ullamcorper venenatis sem vivamus aliquam tincidunt mauris ultricies pulvinar.
First Working Process
Dedicated Team
Enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip exea commodo consequa consectetur adipt tempor incididunt ut labore.
24/7 Support
Nam non lectus orci in nibh elit blandit et velit vel sodales vulputate tellus. Koes mattis neque ante vel suscipit odio tristique vel. Donec imperdiet laoreet pharetra. Ut efficitur consequat.
Free Consultation
Phasellus tempus diam et est tristique eget aliquam quam vestibulum donec congue enim volutpat sagittis nunc non consectetur exercise.
Our Advisory Team
What Clients Say
“Success can come at the age of sixty as well.”
Nawal Ibrahim
“I’ve always dreamt of owning a candy factory, and thanks to ASALA, my dream is now reality.”
Faten Alsakhen
“The most important reason behind my project’s success… is rejecting what I was surrounded with.”
Ikhlas Khanfar
Latest News
International Day of Charity
Asala company employees celebrated Sunday the International Day of Charity, which corresponds to September 5 every year, with the aim of strengthening social ties
Cooperation agreement with PalPay
ASALA for credit and development has signed a cooperation agreement with PalPay to provide e-wallet services and facilitate the process of payments
2020-2021 General Assembly Meeting
ASALA’s General Assemly Meeting for its annual meeting with the presence of 99.8% of shareholders. Data and financial reports were presented by